In case you were wondering, ruining your life is pretty easy to do. In fact, many people have ruined their lives—you may even know some people…you may even be that person. It doesn’t matter who a person is, how much money they have, how many cars they drive, what version of the iPhone they have--all people have the ability to have a life full of amazing memories with no regrets or live only in a place of regret. Why? Because this world is broken and sin doesn’t play favorites. To see a list of athletes who have messed up their lives because of making poor decisions, click here. But how does this happen? How do people end up in a place where they look back on their life and realize that they done messed up? Yes, we’re talking to you A-A-Ron! In week one in our series “How to Ruin Your Life,” we learned that if we live for today, we’ll enjoy the moment, but if we live for tomorrow, we will enjoy the forever. More simply put, we need to think before we act, do things out of good motives, and understand that we need both God and others to help us. But how we prevent our lives from messing up? Here’s a few things that you can do: 1. Think “WWJD” Seriously, ask yourself, “What would Jesus do?” Just slowing down and thinking about an action before you act can save you from destruction. If you want to read a great devotional about what Jesus would actually do in various situations in the YouVersion Bible app, click here. This is why we gave out the WWJD bracelets—so that you can have this idea in your mind all the time. 2. Get the information Before Chip and Jo start a home renovation project, they need to know what has to be done, how they are going to accomplish the project, what supplies they’ll need, and how much money it will take. In life, we need to know the facts before we act. Before you drink, get the facts about alcohol—how it affects your body, your relationships, your actions, your brain, your decision, your finances, etc. Before you begin journeying down the road of sex and all that comes with it, get the facts—diseases, the emotional and psychological consequences, physical consequences, spiritual consequences, etc. But in all decision, make sure that you know what God says about it, too! And how do we know what God wants? Read your Bible. 3. Do life with other people and with God Not sure what to do? Ask a mentor’s opinion (and listen to what they say). Not sure on what’s the correct decision? See what others have done and what the outcome was. Not sure where to begin? Start with Jesus because it’s when we turn to him that starts you down the path of wise choices. Who is Jesus? Take a peak:
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